Soft Designers

Case study - Our success stories

We create valuable Industry 4.0 and EHS solutions for manufacturing industries all over the world. Find out how our customers are happy and satisfied with the solutions they received from us.

EHS solution to luminous_case study

EHS Software Solutions: Success Story with Luminous

EHS│Case study

EHS Software solution to Buhler_case study

Transforming Workplace Safety with EHS Software at Bühler

EHS│Case study

EHS Software solution to Buhler_case study

Revolutionize Safety and Compliance: EHS Software Solution for Gabriel

EHS│Case study

Andon software solution to Luminous_case study

Manufacturing Efficiency with Wireless Andon System at Luminous Power Technologies

Andon Software│Case study

Andon software solution to Grundfos_case study

Revolutionize Operations with Industry 4.0: Andon Software Solution for Grundfos

Andon Software│Case study

Andon software solution to Aerospace industry_case study

Transform Aerospace Manufacturing with Industry 4.0: Andon Software Solution for a Fortune 500 Leader

Andon Software│Case study

EHS Software solution to Schneider electric_case study

Schneider Electric Case Study: Transforming Health and Safety with EHS Management Software

EHS│Case study

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AI Camera Transforms Smoke And Fire Detection

AI Camera Transforms Smoke And Fire Detection

Introduction: The common risks found in the industry are fatality, injuries, near miss cases, accidents, illness and fire and smoke exposure . Fire and smoke exposure is the prominent risk that cannot be predicted . It not only harms the employees but also transforms complete industry along with materials into ashes; it leads to higher […]

PPE Monitoring and Compliance Solution for Warehouse

PPE Monitoring and Compliance Solution for Warehouse

Introduction: Personal Protection Equipment is a paramount feature for ensuring safety of workers at the workplace. Likewise it has a very important role in the Warehouse chain of products without damage to product and the worker. Warehousing industries face many challenges regardless,  while transferring products from one place to another place requires constant safety monitoring […]

Safety Software uses and use cases

Safety Software uses and use cases

Through revolutionary advancement of the industrial areas the commonly found situations are accidents or incidents, fatalities or injuries to the worker at the workplace. Ensuring safety becomes the crucial task of the employer and organization aims to create a secured environment over the complaint work environment. Safety software eliminates burden over the employer towards safety […]

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